Flake Modules

There are a number of flake-parts modules provided within this repo:

  • channels: generate sets of nixpkgs from flake inputs with config and overlays applied
  • packagesGroups: flake-parts doesn’t allow sets of packages in its packages option, this allows packagesGroups.vimPlugins.myplugin
  • homeModules*: some wrappers around auto-importing a directory of homeManagerModules
  • nixosModules*: some wrappers around auto-importing a directory of nixosModules
  • hosts: define nixosConfigurations with default modules, overlays, specialArgs (and auto-import from directory)
  • profiles: nixos modules (as config-only snippets) to import into nixosConfigurations
  • scripts: define script snippets, generates packages from script snippets

Package Groups

Package groups are sets of packages provided at perSystem.packagesGroups, they are a workaround to flake-parts’ packages output not supporting attrSets of packages.

Useful for things like exposing vimPlugins or nextcloudPackages as ouputs.

See packagesGroups reference for more info.